To expend student's specialized knowledge and humane equipment and emphasize democracy, law, morality and humanism.

To arouse student's potential and cultivate student’s ability of implementation, combining theory, practice and integration.

To analyze and design information systems to solve the questions in management and industry area.

Unique Features

The undergraduate program provides students with an understanding of the principles of computer science and information engineering as well as the skills needed to solve the complex technological problems of modern society. Through the collaborative research program, the department provides opportunities for faculty and students to deal with interdisciplinary applications in various academic areas. Students are equipped with capacity to work on advanced researches in government, industry or academia. 

Carees & Placements

Regarding academic & industry cooperation, the Department emphasizes integration of theory and practice. We lay emphasis on the faculty's background and experience, actively interacting with “Cloud System application” and “Mobile Device Technology” and on the faculty's capabilities in practice. Whether in the sphere of curriculum, teaching, research or international cooperation, the Department always values the cooperation, assistance and support of the private sector. 


Regarding academic & industry cooperation, the Department emphasizes integration of theory and practice. We lay emphasis on the faculty's background and experience, actively interacting with “Cloud System application” and “Mobile Device Technology” and on the faculty's capabilities in practice. Whether in the sphere of curriculum, teaching, research or international cooperation, the Department always values the cooperation, assistance and support of the private sector. 

Future Development 

Students graduate from this department can pursue further education in related fields of computer science, information science or computer communication. They also can work as public employees through national exams or can also devote themselves to the development of computer application, software system in Science Park, Industrial Park or Software Development Park. 

中國科技大學1+4國際專修部( #InternationalFoundationProgram)在學校、老師共同努力,和學生的優異表現下,已經教育部同意核准,從113-1秋季班(2024年9月)正式恢復招生。

歡迎推薦 #越南 #印尼 #新南向國家 高中畢業的同學,申請到中國科技大學新竹校區就讀,附上招生簡章、申請表,以及海報DM,有任何問題,可隨時透過QRCode、EMAIL與中國科技大學梅老師、關老師聯繫。

Line ID: 1457abde 梅老師


Chào các em sinh viên

Với biểu hiện xuất sắc của nhà trường, giáo viên và cám em học sinh, Chương trình Dự bị Quốc tế 1+4 của trường Đại học KHKT Trung Quốc đã được Bộ Giáo Dục phê duyệt và chính thức tuyển sinh trở lại từ khóa mùa thu 113-1.

Hoan nghênh các em giới thiệu những học sinh đã tốt nghiệp trung học phổ thông nộp đơn đăng ký học tại Trường Đại học KHKT Trung Quốc cở sở TÂN TRÚC. Đính kèm tài liệu tuyển sinh, mẫu đơn đăng ký và áp phích DM. Nếu có bất kỳ câu hỏi nào, có thể liên hệ với giáo viên trường Đại học KHKT Trung Quốc vào bất kỳ lúc nào thông qua QRCode , Email.

Cảm ơn!!!

Halo, Semua!

China University of Technology, Program Fondasi Internasional 1+4, dengan kinerja yang luar biasa dari sekolah, guru, dan murid Mentri Pendidikan telah setuju, pendaftaran secara resmi untuk kelas musim gugur tahun ajaran 113-1 (2024 semester ganjil).

Mempersilahkan untuk merekomendasikan kepada teman lulusan sekolah menengah, mendaftar ke China University of Technology kampus Hsinchu untuk menimba ilmu, silahkan lampirkan brosur penerimaan, formulir pendaftaran, dan poster DM, jika anda memliki pertanyaan, dapat menghubungi pihak China University of Technology via QRCode dan Email.

Terima kasih!!!


Taipei Campus

Add : 116 No. 56, Sec. 3, Xinglong Rd., Wunshan

          District, Taipei City, Taiwan (R.O.C.) 

TEL : +886-2-2931-3416#2964 

Email : 

Hsinchu Campus

Add : 303 No. 530, Sec. 3, Zhongshan Rd., Hukou

          Township, Hsinchu County, Taiwan (R.O.C.) 

TEL : +886-3-699-1111#1371